Friday, September 16, 2011

Lending Library Preparation

How would you react if you had to teach poetry to 9th graders? What would you teach and why?
I would dread teaching poetry, period. However, if I had to teach poetry, I would find the weirdest and craziest poetry I could find (keeping the age of the students I have in mind) and create lessons based on them. At least if they're weird, crazy, or different the lesson will be interesting.

You're given an AP US Lit class your very first year! Lucky you! A veteran teacher advises that you teach what is most familiar to you first for the first 2 months... What's that?
I would probably teach To Kill a Mockingbird. Because I was taught that in the past, and enjoyed the book, I feel like I would have a lot of material to work off of.

Uh-oh! Drama teacher quits! You have to submit a list of 5 plays that you'd teach. Can you do it?
Probably not. I'm not even sure I've read five plays. I've read Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, and parts of Othello. I suppose if they didn't have to be classic Shakespeare plays and move more towards musicals, I could teach The Sound of Music or Fiddler on the Roof.

I say "writing about nature," you say:
Lord of the Rings. There are so many beautiful scenes in those books that you can't possibly not pay attention to the images in your mind while reading.

3 Favorite writers/3 most despised things to teach:
Favorite writers: J.R.R Tolkien, Mira Grant, and James Rollins.
3 most despised things: poetry and Shakespeare. I don't really have a third thing.

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